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Date and Time Display Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 6:21:04 pm
Baramulla water crisis resolution

“Jal Shakti’s AMRUT 2.0 Reshapes Baramulla’s Water Future”


Baramulla water crisis resolution

Addressing the severe water deficit haunting Baramulla town, the Jal Shakti Department gears up for a monumental transformation under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) 2.0. With over Rs 6.5 crores allocated specifically for Baramulla town, this initiative aims to upgrade the existing water supply infrastructure, mitigating the persisting drinking water crisis.

The overhaul stands as a groundbreaking initiative set to replace antiquated equipment, rectify faulty machinery, and fortify the overall water supply infrastructure. Currently reliant on obsolete mechanical systems, including aged water pumps and components, the Jal Shakti Department in Baramulla grapples with inefficiencies that have contributed to the urban water crisis.Baramulla water crisis resolution

The impending overhaul, a part of the AMRUT 2.0 framework, envisions the establishment of a robust infrastructure that ensures an efficient sewage network and improved water supply for urban areas. This initiative responds to the pressing need for a comprehensive solution to the water shortage issue, exacerbated by the deficit in rainfall this year.

Notably, the envisaged upgrades transcend mere infrastructure. The Jal Shakti Department contemplates the introduction of gas chlorination, a method widely used for taste and odor control, iron and manganese removal, and preventing nuisance growth in water conduits.

The town has been embroiled in water scarcity, prompting resident protests due to inadequate drinking water supply. Presently delivering around 55 liters per capita per day, the Jal Shakti Department aims to significantly raise this supply to 135 liters per capita per day through AMRUT implementation.

The overhaul aims to rejuvenate filtration plants, enhancing their functionality and tackling longstanding issues. Once fully realized, it is expected to revolutionize the water supply, resolving the persistent tap water crisis in Baramulla and ensuring a sustainable water system for its burgeoning urban populace.
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